Welcome to


We are here to serve the Lord’s Church across America. If the church you attend is in need of support, let us know how we can help.

How to Get Started

In the early church, men like Barnabas, Paul, Peter, Silas, Timothy and others were sent by a church or an apostle to build up fledgling or struggling churches.

We want to do the same!

Request Church Support

We are here to serve the Lord’s Church. If the church you attend is in need of support, let us know how we can help.


We are always in need of an extra hand. If you love serving the Lord and His Church, we’d love to add you to our team.


Just as Paul requested support from the first century Christians for his work, we need the same from you as well.

Let Homemission Serve Your Congregation

Our goals are to encourage, equip, and evangelize. Here’s what we offer:

  • HomeMission’s Three-Year Growth Plan
  • A one-time workshop visit
  • Evangelism Training
  • “New Life Behavior” Training
  • The “Revive Us Again” Workshop
  • Print Resources
  • Digital Resources


Check out what others have to say about HomeMission.

“I am still amazed at the progress that we made over the last two years working with HomeMission… HomeMission has given us all the tools to be able to start evangelizing in our small community of 1800. I can say without hesitation that they have accomplished their mission to encourage, equip and to train our brethren here to evangelize.”

Curt Hale

Member, Grayville Church of Christ - Grayville, IL

“Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for showing us your Christian example of your willingness to give of your time and talents… Your support spiritually, physically, and financially has really meant so much to all of us here.”

Nick and Vicki Bos

Sioux City, IA, 6th Street Church of Christ

“I have no doubt that John is more than capable to help local congregations here in
our country to grow through evangelistic outreach and healthy church relationship
practices. Those who partner with John Orr and HomeMission will be blessed.”

Truitt Adair

President, Sunset International Bible Institute

“Thanks again for putting on the workshop at Central Church of Christ.

The main purpose for the visit was to help us reestablish roles for discipleship in individual members.  While the main evangelist can play a role we must all  understand what our gifts are and how to use them.”
Kelly Johnson, Central (Davenport IA) Church of Christ

Click here to see full list of recommendation letters.

Let us know how
we can help!